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SPECIAL OFFER: Get The Exclusive Print Edition Delivered Monthly! 

How To Compound Your Net Worth And Create Cash Flow Streams Using These Simple Finance & Wealth-Building Strategies. 

Get INSIDE ACCESS to the strategies used by hundreds of Dentists, Doctors, and Practice Professionals to create a combined millions of dollars of passive and annuity income… including one dentist who used a modest retirement account to generate $44,000 per month in completely passive Cash Flow.  

YES! I'm Ready To Increase Cash Flow And Freedom Every Month With David's Path To Freedom >>

Not Your Typical Financial “Newsletter”

Are you tired of the typical financial newsletters filled with meaningless charts and "data" designed to sell you off-the-shelf stock market products?

You won't get any of that here. “Path To Freedom” is NOT that kind of publication.  

My goal is to help you change your mindset, learn key investing principles, and think like a wealth creator.  

This publication is packed with strategies, principles, and techniques. It's an easy 30-minute read that will expand your mind and unlock wealth-building potential to catapult you from high income to high net worth.  

With just 30 minutes each month, you'll get inside access to techniques and strategies that will help you…  

  • Stop relying on trading time for dollars to create monthly cash flow.  
  • Calculate if you "have enough" to quit or slow down... and how to make your capital nest egg last for the rest of your life. No more guesswork!  
  • Protect your hard-earned wealth from the market roller coaster.  
  • Learn why Relationship Capital is your greatest asset and how you can leverage this asset now.  
  • Invest “tax smart” and mitigate the tax target most high income practice owners unwittingly wear on their backs.  
  • Take specific action steps NOW to take advantage of future market shifts and corrections.

If You’re A Professional Practice Owner In The 2nd Half Of Your Career, Ready For More Freedom And More Time For What Matters Most… 

I want to unlock so many wealth and Freedom building opportunities for you and provide such TREMENDOUS value... that working with me and my Mastermind community at a higher level at some point in the future will be an obvious decision. 

This publication is my chance to earn your trust. 

If I was to charge based on the earning potential these principles could unleash for you... this subscription would be worth thousands of dollars every year. (Many programs do charge that much for similar information.)

But because I view this as a first step in getting to know each other, your subscription will be just a fraction of that. 

Even with all the bonuses I've included,

This 12-month subscription to incredible wealth-building potential...

Is yours today for just $27.00 per month (or $297.00 annually). 

Just $0.86 per day... enough to cover my production costs. If you don't get at least 10x in value over the next 12 months... I'll happily mail your check back to you. I want this to be a no-brainer first step toward your Freedom. 

YES! Sign Me Up For David's Path To Freedom >> Just $297 Annually!

Give It A Test Drive

I’ll Take All The Risk With An Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee… 

Here’s the deal: I believe in a “no dentist left behind” policy. I believe so strongly in the power of this material that I'm willing to take all the risk for you.  

Subscribe for 30 days… You’ll get the first monthly issue of my “Path To Freedom”, a special audio CD, a featured article from my reading list, and even a 20 minute 1-on-1 Cash Flow Coaching call with one of our Free For Life members…  

If you decide this publication is not what you were looking for, just say the word and you’ll get your money back. 

No questions asked. No hard feelings.  

Sound fair? 

I've Even Thrown In A Special Bonus!

BONUS: A Digital Copy Of My New and Revised 2nd Edition Book “From High Income To High Net Worth”

The "Ultimate Guide" for anyone who desires to build cash flow and net worth through real estate investment without ever meeting a tenant or fixing a toilet.

  • A guided tour to Create your own Personal Wealth Building Blueprint 
  • The right way to Leverage and Compound your Equity and Cash Flow 
  • Building Wealth & Cash Flow (outside the practice)
  • How to Control Real Estate Investment without the ownership headaches  

Meet Dr. David Phelps

David made the decision to leave clinical practice in his mid 40's when his only child, a daughter, had a life and death battle with cancer. David is a straight-shooter and outspoken critic of the "Traditional Retirement Model", he's 100% anti-traditionalist on life, practice and wealth-building. Today, he serves as founder and CEO of the Freedom Founders Mastermind.

Why I Do What I Do... 

“David,” other dentists ask me, “why do you do this Freedom Founders thing?” (What they really mean is, “If you did so well with real estate and dentistry, why are you still working?”)  

Fair question.  

It’s true that I don’t need to do… anything, really. For me, I do what I do because it’s the most significant way I can invest my time.  

I was once right where you are, tied to the treadmill of my practice, wealthy by most standards, but still feeling trapped. My daughter’s health crisis (now a proud cancer survivor) gave me the kick-in-the-pants that I needed to find a better way.  

"I love opening the eyes of fellow professional practice owners to what is possible - a life filled with Freedom, meaning and purpose - and helping them build a game plan to get there." 

This gives me a platform I enjoy and allows me the chance to connect with some of the best and brightest people in all areas of business, marketing, real estate, and finance. 

Having the Freedom to retire, and actually doing it, are worlds apart for me. I’ll likely never retire in the typical sense. Remaining significant and relevant until my body and mind gives out, now that sounds like a plan!  

I want you to experience that as well. That’s why I do what I do.