NEW BOOK – The Ultimate Freedom Prescription

You've probably heard us say it before. Well, we're going to say it again.

A paycheck doesn't equal financial freedom.

The authors of our new book found that out the hard way, but they've learned how to break the chains and start building a financial legacy.

They're ready to tell you how.



Inside the pages of this excellent resource, you will hear the testimonies of 14 doctors.

Among them are people who didn't even know where to start just a few years ago.

But something we chant often here at Freedom Founders has rung true for each one of them…

You're closer than you think.

If this book does anything, it renews your sense of hope. There's an optimism – a confidence- that there is in fact a light at the end of the tunnel.

At the same time, these are stories characterized by transparency, humility, and authenticity.

These authors don't try to hide their mistakes. They tell you about them openly.

The reality of the struggles and challenges involved is not something avoided or glossed over.

But these hardworking professionals have learned something very important.

The journey that's easy won't be the journey that's rewarding.

If there's anyone that knows what freedom is all about, it's these guys.

They want to take what they've learned and pass it on. They want to help. They've poured their hearts into this project… for you.

In the words of author Dr. Phil…

“If I can make a difference in their lives, I will have reached significance.”

You've been on the treadmill long enough. The doctors have put in the orders.

I think it's time you pick up your prescription…



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