Hear How Other Practitioners Created Freedom in Their Personal and Professional Lives

Free For Life™ is not the end. If anything, it is an inflection point to go even further.

Meet Dr. Ben and Sondra Jensen

After about 15 years of practicing, I realized I wasn't completely happy with just being a dentist. I had reached a point where I wasn't intellectually stimulated, and I was searching for something more. On top of that we found ourselves frustrated that we couldn't see a clear path to retirement, despite paying off our debts.

I started listening to David's podcast and educating myself about real estate and the other ways to create my own freedom, but nothing resonated with me the way David's podcast did. I had a phone call with Freedom Founders and decided to attend an event. Sondra was skeptical, but willing to attend the event on the condition that we would not sign up for any membership or commit to anything. But once we got there, it was a different story. We had found a group of people that we really fit in with. We absorbed all the information on Thursday and Friday of the event and by Saturday, Sondra and I both agreed we found our community and decided to commit for 1 year.

Prior to Freedom Founders we attended other conferences, but what made us get on board was the fact that we would manage our wealth ourselves. We weren't handing it off to someone else to decide what to do with it. 

I've recently taken an extra day off at work and I'm having more more fun than ever practicing, while having record breaking months at the practice. My oldest son wants to be a pilot and now I'm following in his footsteps getting my private pilot's license now. Being Free for Life™ means spending more time with our family, and taking more time for ourselves to travel and learn new hobbies.  

Dr. David & Karen Scharf Free for Life - Freedom Founders

We're looking at our life and future with new eyes, because when you achieve your dreams, one of the best parts is creating new ones.

Meet Dr. David and Karen Scharf

When I was in my mid-thirties, with more than a decade of hard work under my belt, I decided to invest my entire seven-figure income with a financial advisor. Within a year, all my money was gone. I was devastated. The worst part was how the loss affected my approach to work. After losing it all, I hunkered down and worked as hard as I could, and saved. When you own a practice, even when you're not there, your mind is. Even if I was with my kids, mentally, I wasn't present. It robbed me of that time with my kids growing up. That was the worst part of the whole thing. That's when the promise of Freedom Founders caught my attention.

Given our history, we were skeptical of Freedom Founders. But sometime through my first 6 – 8 months in it, I saw that the monthly checks coming in were enough to meet my Freedom number. I saw that there's a way to invest in real estate and make my money work for me. I change my attitude about the whole thing.

My life would've been very different if I had known about Freedom Founders in my 30s. The stress would've been different, my income would've been different, my time with my kids would've been different. My only regret is not knowing about Freedom Founders sooner.

Now, I feel like the future is so wide open. We can live anywhere in the world that we want and those checks just go into my bank account automatically.

The legacy phase of retirement planning for dentists

Free For Life™ is not the end. If anything, it is an inflection point to go even further.

Meet Dr. Cody & Haily Cowen

Four years, I worked six days a week. I started at one practice as an associate, eventually became partner and expanded into five practices. Haily and I planned to move further south, so I sold my portion of the practices and met a new dentist through my network, whom I became partners with. Starting fresh again was difficult, I knew I didn't want my money to be solely dependent on how many hours I worked. The stock market never resonated with me, so I doubled in real estate with friends, and ended up losing money due to a flood.

I had this chunk of my retirement that I didn't know what to do with. I didn't want to put it back into the stock market, I wanted to put it into cash, flowing investments, but didn't know how. I met David while he was speaking at an event for practice management. He discussed wealth building strategies to retire in 3 to 5 years. It was exactly what we were looking for. We joined the group in 2020 and hit the ground running.

With Freedom Founders I don't have to rely on the number of days in the office. I can use my capital assets with real estate and passive income for my practice. All of these things being in place and cash flowing has removed stress, allowed me to cut back on hours and spend more time with my family.

For me, Free For Life™ means freedom on a workday when you are going to your practice, freedom with your family, freedom financially. Free For Life™ is not the end. If anything, I think that's an inflection point to go even further.

I never thought that I could work one day a week in my practice and let it run for five days, and now I can.

Meet Dr. Dora Lee

I have been in practice for about 15 years and saved up some cash to invest. I had a sense of investing as I grew up with entrepreneurial parents that invested in real estate. I got a rental home and a tenant – but it was never a real source of cash flow. Then I bought a piece of commercial property with a group of friends, but we didn't all agree on the idea of leverage.

Luckily, I had stumbled upon Freedom Founders on Facebook before the world turned upside down in March of 2020. We attended our first meeting in San Diego with a healthy dose of skepticism. Everyone was very genuine, we were blown away by the supportive environment.

My decision to join in 2019 couldn't have been timed better. I had taken half of my investments out of the stock market and put them in Freedom Founders, so when things went south in the stock market in 2020, I had checks coming in regularly from Freedom Founders.

I love having the freedom to go where I want, discover new things and have adventures. I love learning about other cultures, other people, how they live life. I'm glad that I'm young enough to do all this traveling. I'm glad I didn't wait until I'm about to retire to start thinking about what I'm going to do with the rest of my life.

Dr. Tommy and Shelly Reed - Free for Life - Freedom Founders

Just knowing that you have the freedom to do the things you want to and enjoy, it just makes the day so much better.

Meet Dr. Tommy and Shelly Reed

The first time I ever talked to David, I was just so impressed. He was so honest, full of integrity, and had a vision for what this could be. He wanted like-minded people to be in his group and being in it gave us a vision for a future. As many times as we had talked about the future, it forced us to make decisions, and look at things like we never had before. For that, I will be eternally grateful.

For the longest time, I was treating time for money, and I don't want to trade time for money anymore. Shelley manager office for a number of years. She lost her mom at a young age and it is her calling to spend more time with the grandkids and be there. I want her to be able to do that. Just knowing you have the freedom to do what you want to, when you want to, makes the day so much better.

We are proud to be a part of the community, we want to continue in the group and help others. We're just happy to be a part of it!

Dr. James and Sara Green - Free for Life - Freedom Founders

Free For Life™ to me is a constantly changing evolution of how we frame and see things.

Meet Dr. James and Sara Green

I enjoyed working, so I didn't have an urgent need to walk away, but I did realize that I couldn't work forever. After watching others my age develop health problems and back problems, I didn't want to be that person who is stuck full-time because they have to be.

Sarah and I would talk about our future a lot. We did some alternative investments, but we were primarily in the stock market when we came across freedom founders. I think we were looking for a clear path and community. The stock market was just so stressful. It's a good day, it's not a good day, it's up, it's down. I don't think we had clarity of how to be less fragile I notice, just by talking to other members how transformational this connection had been to them. It just gave me peace, the way that David explained everything. It was all very transparent.

Freedom to me means knowing that if I decided tomorrow, I didn't want to do this anymore, I don't have to. That's a big thing because most of us walk around with this idea that we are responsible for our team, we're responsible for their families, we're responsible for all these other people ahead of ourselves. Just to take a few days off seems like we're letting everybody down.

Free For Life™ is not the end of anything. We climb this mountain, and we can continue on with whatever her next is. In my mind, Free For Life™ to me, is a constantly changing evolution of how we frame and see things.

Freedom of Time gives us the opportunity to work more on our relationship together, our relationship with our family, our kids, our grandkids, our friends.

Meet Dr. Guy and Patti Nash

We were sensing that it was going to be time for Guy to retire, and I wanted him to feel like he was able to retire, but we didn't have a solid plan for what that looked like. A friend recommended Freedom Founders, we were on board as soon as we learned more about them. When we joined Freedom Founders, I think the main focus was: “How can we be free financially?” But we soon realize that there are other levels of freedom to discover.

Freedom of time gives us the opportunity to work more on our relationship together, our relationship with our family, our kids, our grandkids, and our friends. We've made so many new friends within Freedom Founders, and we have time to enjoy those friendships even more, and not be so tied down.

Now, we’d like to instill the values of care, compassion, and helping those that might be disadvantaged – the core principles that help you live your life to the fullest and not just living for yourself.

Dr. Jason and Amy Lowry - Free for Life - Freedom Founders

[Freedom Founders] helped us finalize our blueprint, and get us to a point where we have freedom in so many different areas of our lives.

Meet Dr. Jason and Amy Lowry

I was a late bloomer to dental school, I graduated when I was 31, and bought a practice right out of dental school. We were running out of money, and we couldn't find a house. So we'd sleep in the dental office at night. Really early in the morning we wake up, throw the air mattresses in the minivan, and Amy would take the kids to the park, or spend the day out until I was done with work, and then they would come back to the office. We had to make every dollar stretch, but we made it to where we are now.

I've had two things that have to find me as a professional: being a dentist and being a real estate investor. It's what has gotten us to a point where we can kind of sit back and relax. It's never been about when I accumulate X money in stocks or so much in real estate. It's only ever been about the passive income per month. Freedom founders help me dial in that last bit, helped us lose those last 5 pounds that are the hardest to see. They helped us finalize our blueprint, and get us to a point where we have freedom, and so many areas of our lives.

Now, we're excited to be grandparents, and show our children how to use real estate as a vehicle for passive cash flow. We are really excited about all the opportunities and time will have with our family.

Drs. Scott and Kelli Fischer - Free for Life - Freedom Founders

It's like a weight lifted off your shoulder when you have your path laid out in front of you and you know everything's going to be okay.

Meet Drs. Scott and Kelli Fischer

Our family culture is very tight-knit. We've worked together as co-dentists in the same practice for 32 years, and we sat next to each other in dental school, so that was another four years. We're as tight as can be.

We were amassing some money, but as Warren Buffett said, “If you're not making money while you're sleeping, you're in trouble.” And when you think about trying to leave dentistry, get out of the practice, do the math, no matter how much you got, it's not going to last very long. It's changed our mindset completely to figure out what passive income was, and how to do it.

We have one son, Jake, who is 23. He has made an investment already with one of the Trusted Advisors. He's getting that mindset, and that is very rewarding to see him taking charge.  I would give anything at 23 years old to be able to have that knowledge.

It's like a weight lifted off your shoulders when you have your path laid out in front of you, and you know everything's going to be okay. That's what freedom means to me.

Dr. James and Margie Stafford - Free for Life - Freedom Founders

Freedom to me means not having to worry about what's in store for life, or where the money's going to come from.

Meet Dr. James and Margie Stafford

Family has always been very important to us. When the children were growing up, we would visit the grandparents, relatives, and friends often. My role model is my grandfather, he was a dentist, and that was one of the main reasons I became a dentist.

I've always been very disciplined about saving. At the same time, I was always interested in real estate. I just didn't know how to do it. In Freedom Founders, we've gained a lot of knowledge and have really enjoyed the experiences. It's also all the relationships we formed in the community. It's a fine group of people and I've really enjoyed being with everyone. Even though I'm taking more days off, I'm really enjoying practicing right now.

Freedom to me means not having to worry about what's in store for life or where the moneys going to come from, and being able to do whatever we want to do whenever we want to do it.

Once you've conquered the feeling of knowing what contentment is, I think that, for us, is freedom.

Meet Dr. Christopher and Cori Waters

I practiced for 32 years and got an associate in 2018. During the pandemic, I had one of those aha moments like, “I don't want to do this for another three years.” I didn't really get serious about Freedom Founders until a little bit after the pandemic, and I was thinking how I didn't want to not know what my money was going to do in the stock market.

My son's an optometrist. I'm a dentist. My father is a physician. But now that I've been a part of this group, I’ve said, “Just do your own thing.” You don't have to be a professional. I have a whole new thought process of: own your own business if you want, be an entrepreneur. “Entrepreneur” wasn't even a word I even knew when I was in college. They have a lot more options. I want them to feel free like we feel now.

We want them to understand that when you can get financially free, then it's your purpose to help other people that are having a hard time. That's freedom right there. Society wants you to grow more and more. I think once you've conquered the feeling of knowing what contentment is, I think that for us, it's freedom.

Freedom Founders has changed our lives in just about every way.

Meet Drs. Gertrude Lee and Robert Dubanski

Bob and I are both general dentists, a husband and wife team at the same practice. We grew our business as much as we could! In 2018 I injured my wrist, ever since then I wasn't able to practice like I did before.

Our practice continued to grow but we were beyond the enjoyment of it. It wasn't working for us and we were just taking off one week a year. Even then, I was still thinking about the practice.

Then in February 2021, we got a letter in the mail. It was written by a member of Freedom Founders who had been in the exact same situation: burnout after practicing for many years, and wanting more freedom of time. The letter made such a deep impression, I called Freedom Founders and spoke to Dr. David Phelps, we joined right there on the phone.

It was exciting to realize we had other options that we didn't know were available to us, and that we would had help along the way. David, having gone through it himself, showed that it could be done. He gave us the direction and knowledge to get out of our practice, and to rediscover life.

Freedom Founders is opening the door for opportunity. It's phenomenal. The rewards are far better than working full-time. We're in a different state in our lives now – a different state of existence. We're happier than ever because we have time to do things other than dentistry.

If we had not found Freedom Founders, I don't think we would have been prepared to walk away financially.

Meet Dr. Steven and Cindy Dacus

We met in college and got married my senior year. I had plans of starting my own practice, she was a math teacher, and was great at balancing the books. We were quite a team!

I put a lot of my savings into real estate, we had several turnkey properties in Casper. I thought that would be my retirement, but when I looked at the numbers, it didn't look good. I realized I would have to figure something else out. Then I found Dr. David Phelps on Facebook and we decided to attend the virtual event in 2020.

Freedom Founders has opened up a whole new world and education on the possibilities that are out there. I notice it most Sunday evening, it's like, “Oh, I don't have to think about going to work tomorrow. Freedom to me is waking up in the morning and it's like before you had kids, you just get up and do some thing. That's what we can do now. We just go, “Hey, let's go do that!”

Freedom for Cindy, being the one that takes care of the books is financial freedom. Just the worry of everyday life expenses that we don't have to worry about any longer. We know that's there and it's taken care of.

We went into it looking at the financial and the economic aspect of Freedom Founders, and that was it, but we realized it was so much more.

Meet Dr. Scott and Kim Eckels

We met when we were teens, and we've been together ever since, it works, and we have a very close family! Kim and I are both very contrarian by nature when it comes to the market and investments. We were looking for a different way of investing and  heard about Freedom Founders. And then a friend became a member, and that's how we got to our first meeting.

We went into Freedom Founders for the financial and the economic aspect of it, and that was it, but we realized it was so much more: freedom of time, relationships, health, meaning and significance. That's really been our stepping stone.

Before joining Freedom Founders, we didn't realize the type of passive investments that were out there. We've been members for about 14 months, we had a call with David and he made us realize that we didn't have to keep growing our practices. We were financially free! This has completely changed our mindset, we're much more relaxed. We're getting ready to fully retire from orthodontics, and will be starting our next journey.

There was no question about were we going to be OK when the practice sold and we got out, we already saw the results. I mean, it's in our bank account.

Meet Dr. Greg and Jackie Linney

Jackie and I ran the practice together, we were successful, but our lives were totally out of balance. Our staff took more time off than us, we knew there was a way to take more time for ourselves, but we didn't know how.

I read an article by Dr. David Phelps, and it really resonated with me. Just two weeks after reading the article we were in Salt Lake City attending a Freedom Founders event. Jackie did not want to go and insisted I not sign up for anything, but after the first day, we were all in.

Starting in January 2019 we were able to take off nine weeks from work without skipping a beat. When we returned, our practice was busier than ever, with a three to six month, waiting period just to see patients. We'd established trust with them, and it was wonderful not to worry about them leaving us just because we desperately needed a break.

Jackie and I are Free for Life™, but we're still involved in Freedom Founders. We are big believers in paying it forward. I tell my mentees that the new people coming in are sitting right where they were three months ago. Just when you think you've learned it all, the exchange of information, stories and guidance from multiple generations, never ceases to be exciting.

You come into Freedom Founders thinking it's about investments, and it is, but what you gain is so much more. You gain camaraderie and trusted friends for life. That's the real prize.

We have our asset base. Not only is it not shrinking, it's actually still growing. We're Free for Life, we have all the money that we need. We live on less than the cash flow that's being generated by those investments and living our best life.

Meet Dr. Dennis and Monzell Perry

I was an oral and maxillofacial surgeon by trade. My practice was hospital-based, which is pretty rare in the oral surgery world. I worked in the hospital, so there's constantly something to do between hospital patients and the ER. I was on call 24-7 and at work six days a week. It was grueling and it wasn't getting any easier with age. I started to feel burnt out. I didn't want to keep doing this for the rest of my life, but I didn't know how else to make money.

I heard Dr. David Phelps speak a number of times on some live calls, webinars, and Monzell and I talked about joining but were hesitant. We had a really bad experience elsewhere. We invested a tremendous amount of money, and virtually lost all of it. We attended the Freedom Founders Virtual event in 2020 and agreed if we don't like it, we'll just turn the computer off and walk away. It's no big deal. But by the end of the first day, it was a done deal. We knew this is where we needed to be. 

Now we have our asset base. Not only is it not shrinking, it's actually still growing. We are Free for Life™! We have all the money that we need. We live on less than the cash flow that's being generated by those investments and living our best life. The pivot has been 100% traditional to largely alternative investments.

Dr. Amit Rajani and Amish Dalal - Free For Life - Freedom Founders

Being Free For Life, is an inflection point on a long journey to have a life full of adventures together. I'm thinking about projects and businesses, which have a much bigger purpose. And I owe that all to Freedom Founders.

Meet Dr. Amit Rajani & Amish Dalal

We've both been part of the dental office project from the very beginning, at the time when the office was just a few sketches on a piece of paper, all the way to where we are now. 

After the first year or so, I had a lot of money just sitting in a savings account, there came a point where I told Amish what was sitting in that account, he was ready to beat me over the head because there was more money then should be sitting in a savings account, and I just didn't have the time to figure it out.

I invested with several traditional wealth advisors every time the portfolio went up, it was a great day. Every time it went down, it was just gut wrenching for me just because I knew how much blood sweat and tears it took to earn that dollar, I needed to find a different path for myself. And that's when I started to learn about David and Freedom Founders.

Being Free For Life™, is an inflection point on a long journey to have a life full of adventures together. I'm thinking about projects and businesses, which have a much bigger purpose. And I owe that all to Freedom Founders

After being a dentist for about twenty five years. I realized that I was on this freight train, and I didn't really know how to get off of it.

Meet Dr. Sharen Strong and Dan Matthews

When I graduated in 1992, my main focus on practice was that I would be able to have my recreation of windsurfing pretty much on-site. At the time, that ended up bringing me to the Southern Oregon coast, and I was able to buy a building and start a practice from scratch.

I asked if Dan would like to come to the office and start helping me out with some book work, and he really allowed me to expand the practice. But before that, I was just trying to do everything.

After being a dentist for about twenty five years. I realized that I was on this freight train, and I didn't really know how to get off of it. I didn't really understand the business process of removing myself from dentistry. I heard David Phelps talking about being on the hamster wheel, and that just resonated so deeply with me. We made a decision and we pulled out of the stock market within six months after we were involved with Freedom Founders.

Being Free For Life™ and at the same time being retired from the office has opened up a whole new world of time. That freedom of time, it doesn't mean free to do nothing, but it means free to focus on things that are meaningful to us at a different level, whether it's going on an adventure, having fun studying, going kiteboarding, or going down to the farmer's market, things that we really had a difficult time budgeting into our schedule, now become possibilities almost every day.

There's always something to do. There's always something new to learn. And it puts us in a place where we have combined levels of freedom because in every area as you learn more and grow more, it opens up new possibilities, and the journey's just begun. It's endless.

Freedom Founders has changed what we thought was possible. My time with my kids is more valuable. My time with my wife is more valuable. These memories, I'm going to have them forever.

Meet Dr. Brian and Alina Crawford

It was maybe six or seven years ago, where I felt like I was gonna have a nervous breakdown, just trying to go between the offices. You're at that point where you're kind of still doing everything because you're growing. I really just felt the anxiety and the pressure. And that's when it hit me: that I can't keep this up. I can't keep doing this.

I was sacrificing all of my time and joy, just to make money. While I was in dental school, I remember one of my instructors said, “You know, you're never gonna be wealthy being a dentist.” And I was like, “Okay? What do you mean?” And he's like, “It's not the money that you make in dentistry. It's what you do with that money and how you invest it.” 

What was funny, is at the time, he was kind of encouraging us to just put all our money in the stock market. I must have just been really horrible at it because I felt like by the end of that five or six years of doing that, I'd had basically what I had put into it. So I realized there had to be something better.

One day, just flipping through a magazine, I saw a Freedom Founder's ad. I talked to Alina, and I said, “You know, if I'm ever gonna really feel comfortable jumping into real estate, we need to learn about it.” That gave me a path. There was a blueprint. 

When I found out financially, we could be okay. And I could slow down and not always be busy, and the offices will keep running if I take time off. There was a big difference. I was able to take off an entire week to spend it on a trip with my daughter, and I've never gotten to do that.

Freedom Founders has changed what we thought was possible. My time with my kids is more valuable. My time with my wife is more valuable. These memories, I'm going to have them forever.  Free For Life™ means flexibility, it means getting to to do things that I want to do. 

When the stock market went down, it took about six to eight years for most people to get back to zero. At our age, we can't afford to do that.

Meet Dr. Mike and Debbie Kesner

We've known each other since second grade. We were both in band. Music's been an important part of our life. We played our instruments for over forty years. So we've spent a lot of time together.

I started the dental practice in 1984, right out of dental school, ignorance is bliss. Debbie came to work in the practice, she started doing payroll and bookkeeping. And then as we grew, she was building the offices and buying the equipment. We got up to seventeen companies. We started a medical dental ministry in Guatemala and Honduras, and so we were taking medical to dental teams down there. We built a clinic way out the middle of the mountains. And we did that for about ten years. Then when we stopped doing that, we started a church. We look back at it now and we go, “My goodness. Were we crazy or what? How did we do all that?”

I read all of David's books and listened to several of his podcasts. The thing that really struck me is that we were so likeminded. And then I lost a lot of money in the stock market when it went down January of 2022. And from January to June, we lost 300k. In 2008 and '09, when the stock market went down, it took about six to eight years for most people to get back to zero. At our age, we can't afford to do that. So we signed up for Freedom Founders in August of 2022.

We want to pass on an inheritance to our kids, not just financially, but in how to live life. We want to instill the value of hard work, integrity, honesty. We want to be able to leave them something, but we're not earning everything to give everything just to them. We want to make impact in more places than that. We've always enjoyed financially giving to other ministries.

It seems like we enjoy creating things, building things. We also need some downtime. It's been a whirlwind the last several years. Debbie has always said that she felt like our life has been her hanging onto the bumper of my sports car. So, this has been a good period of down shifting, a different lifestyle, a different ride.

Enjoy time now. Enjoy happiness now. True wealth is having that choice to do what you wanna do on your own terms, and Freedom Founders has given us that clarity at an earlier stage in life.

Meet Dr. Jeffrey and Celia Chen

My grandfather was a dentist. My father was a dentist. It's probably in the genes. Naturally, I wanted to be a dentist. If I could just stick with root canals all day, I'd be very happy. But being a small business owner, you're wearing a lot of hats. So over time, it can kind of wear on you. And three and a half years ago, that's when I felt that I was just living the conventional wisdom of trading your working hours for some future date of happiness.
I just wanted something different. 

I happened to be on David's podcast and what he spoke about, it strongly impacted me. Of course, like all spouses, I think Celia was skeptical at first, but once we met the community and seeing such a collective group of people with a common belief, the same goals, it really made our decision to join easy.

Family is really important to us. As the kids get older, they're on their path and their journey, and it's a little harder to always get together. We travel a lot to Asia to be with our parents.

I want to spend more time with my parents, and take care of them even though they're so far away.

Since being in Freedom Founders, I've taken more time off work. I did try to attend all the kids' activities [before], but I wasn't mentally present. I was physically there. But in the back of my mind, I was always worrying about, “How can I make this practice run better? How can I grow this practice more?” 

If I were to tell my younger self, I think it's important to have a very, very good work life balance. Enjoy time now. Enjoy happiness now. True wealth is having that choice to do what you wanna do on your own terms, and Freedom Founders has given us that clarity at an earlier stage in life. And I think that's one of the legacies that we want to leave behind.

Freedom for us means knowing that we have the option to pivot to do something different if we want to, because we aren't dependent on solely practicing dentistry to make a living.

Meet Drs. Brent and Ally Rickheim

We were both in the Air Force, and we were stationed in Italy. Our first date was a bird festival and a motorcycle ride, and the rest is history. We moved to the States and that's where we had our son. Renting an RV, we headed out to places that we heard might be good places to live. To wrap our trip up, we stopped in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. There was a practice that wasn't even listed yet, but the guy was super kind and he was a prior Air Force veteran as well, and he was ready to make a transition out of private practice. It couldn't have been a better blessing for our transition into civilian life. We'd never thought about running a practice, so it was kind of like a leap of faith.

What drew us into Freedom Founders was way back in the Air Force when I learned about Doctor Phelps and the Freedom Founders community. I loved the message. I followed it for years knowing that this has to be the way eventually.

We had an accountant CPA who said, “You guys are making it, you're on cruise control on the open highway. All you have to do is keep doing that for twenty more years.” We looked at each other after we got off the phone, and we were like, “Cruise control? This is not cruise control. We wake up and fight every single day to keep this car on the road.” We had no exit strategy other than just working away for twenty more years and hoping that we had enough at the end of that to do what we want in retirement. 

Freedom for us means knowing that we have the option to pivot to do something different if we want to, because we aren't dependent on solely practicing dentistry to make a living.

It becomes more about the journey and giving part of yourself to others, because we have a tendency to get wrapped up in the destination and not enjoy things along the way.

One of the best parts of the entire Freedom Founders community, is that learning better ways of doing life and passing those pearls on to our kids, so that we can set them up even better than ourselves.

Invest wisely for your future, not the current moment, but for the future, the long term. Most importantly, you only have one life. Enjoy the ride.

Dr. Cindy Rider and Scott Densmore

We met way back in 1983.  We dated probably almost halfway through dental school. Became best friends. We had a twenty year gap of really no communication. I reached a point in my life, I needed my best friend, so I reached out to Scott and made a riddle only he would know. And that's how it started back up twenty years later.

All of our kids blended so well. There's six kids between us with seventeen years difference. Our family is called “The Gang,”  We've been married now going on seven years.

I had braces and was kind of an ugly duckling back in junior high. I got the braces off, and I wanted to be an orthodontist. I went to dental school, loved it, but found I wanted to be an oral surgeon. I was an associate at two other practices, and I discovered how to run a business and how not to run a business. I came home and started my own company, and I've been in the same spot for about 27 years.

Scott and I would have these discussions. What are we gonna do when we stop working? I saw a Facebook feed from Freedom Founders and it was a survey about retirement. “Do you have enough to retire on?” I had a couple of calls, and David offered for us to come to a Freedom Founders meeting and see what it was about. It literally took one day of hearing different people, seeing different people, listening to different people to decide. And by day two, at lunch. The journey began. 

The future for us is being able to enjoy our life journey together, but we also want to enjoy our adult children as they start their own families and discover who they are as people. What's important for us to pass on to our children is the value of money. For your family, for yourself, for your lifestyle, for your children. Also to invest wisely for your future, not the current moment, but for the future, the long term. Most importantly, you only have one life. Enjoy the ride.

I was really good at saving money. The cash flow passive income portion of it, I was not very good at understanding what that looked like. It's kind of opened up my eyes on just a whole different world I didn't know existed.

Meet Dr. Kevin and Kelli Collins

When COVID struck, my dentistry was shut down and we didn't know what was going to happen. We started thinking, “What's our game plan?”

I reached out and Freedom Founders had a workshop in the SPEAR Study Group in AZ, so I went. At lunch, I looked to my left and there was a guy next to me and I recognized him from one of the videos. I asked, “Are you familiar with Freedom Founders?” And he pulled out of his briefcase a newsletter from Freedom Founders and goes, “I'm one of the original members. And I can go ahead and tell you right now, this is the real deal.”

Kelli was very skeptical. But Freedom Founders has been a great asset for us. I think just the thought that, if I wanted to wake up tomorrow morning and do something different, do nothing at all, that I could do it. And I can go down and it's four other avenues of my life and not be worried about it.

My father, he was a great provider, but he worked really hard, and when he finally retired about a year later he passed. And all the things that he mentioned he wanted to do – he's gonna start playing golf, he's gonna start doing this. He never had the opportunity to do it.  So, I think in this group, it gives you the opportunity to carve your own path and not feel like you have to go to the very end, till you're just completely burned out and not be able to enjoy your future.

I was really good at saving money. The cash flow passive income portion of it, I was not very good at understanding what that looked like. It's kind of opened up my eyes on just a whole different world I didn't know existed. I didn't see the bigger picture. It's been a great experience and it's given me clarity on the pathway moving forward.

That's where Freedom Founders has come in. It has gotten us to a point where we don't feel like we have to do this forever.

Drs. Brad and Jennifer Mokris

I was in residency. She was in dental school. We dated for about seven and a half months, got engaged, and we got married a week after graduation. Moved up to South Carolina where we started a family and a practice. We have four children, Avery, Reese, Austin, and Graham. We live a life of organized chaos. 

We got a call from her dad saying that her previous orthodontist was looking to sell her practice. It was the same orthodontist that Jen grew up with who treated her when she was in high school. So we just took a leap of faith and did a lot of praying and crying.
And I think a week later we sold the house.
Jen and the kids moved down to Florida without me because I had to keep transitioning my old practice out. It's been really fulfilling for her to have a career that she can be so proud of. But at the same time, the struggle for her is that it does take a lot of time from  our kids.
I think that's where Freedom Founders has come in. It has gotten us to a point where we don't feel like we have to do this forever.

Before I even met David, I had been listening to his podcast and was referred to him by a colleague of mine. And I think 2018 or '19, I brought my brother to a Freedom Founders event and just had this great experience of learning and seeing this eye opening world of the mindset that a lot of new members had. I came home and I was like, “Jen, we gotta do this.” And we were just blown away.
It was great for us as a couple because it was the first time we finally got on the same page with our finances. I think success for us was not being forced to go into work every day. Our lives were slowly getting busier and busier outside of our practice, but our practice was still busy. It's still growing and growing. So when we saw this inevitable tunnel of not being able to control our lives, we had to figure out how to separate ourselves from the practice, but also still manage the practice and still build our wealth from that. And Freedom Founders enlightened us.
We've just in the past year been able to start joining different committees, different organizations in our church. Because we can scale back at work, it just allows us a little bit more time to do those things.
We're trying to develop this culture in the family of respect, accountability, and then also building a relationship with your financial world that is necessary to evolve in this world that we live in.
There's five freedoms. And financial freedom is only one of we have a lot of work to do on our other freedoms, and that's what kind of gives us the stepping stone by achieving this financial freedom. So we got a lot of work to do. Our relationships, our families, our faith, we have so many goals and achievements that we still have yet to accomplish. So this is just one stepping stone, but it's an awesome stepping stone. It feels good.


I was really good at saving money. The cash flow passive income portion of it, I was not very good at understanding what that looked like. It's kind of opened up my eyes on just a whole different world I didn't know existed.

Meet Dr. Jose and Tanya Garcia

Tanya: We're very boring people. There's really nothing to record here.
Jose: We're a very close knit family. We spend a lot of time together, and we are all about experiences and about trying new things. Our boys have a wonderful relationship with each other and with us.
Tanya: My goal in life is that when my kids get married, their wives won't turn around and say, “I'm gonna return this to you, because he doesn't know how to do his laundry.” I want them to be good husbands and have good relationships.
Jose: There's really no playbook when it comes to kids, but Tanya's done a fabulous job of raising them.
Tanya: I always laugh because I'll hear people say, there's no handbook. There's no there are no rules. There are no books that tell you how to raise kids. There are literally hundreds of thousands of books that will tell you how to raise kids.
Like, who- where are you getting this information from?
Jose: We met almost because of our sisters. Our sisters went to college together. When I first heard about her, I immediately knew she was gonna be a part of my life. I've always been impressed with how she is able to not be influenced. She does what she thinks is right and doesn't deviate from that. We are very complimentary to each other because her strengths are typically my weaknesses and vice versa.
Tanya: His nickname is Pepe. So Pepe, he's always happy. And the kids think he's a phenomenal dad. They're like, “Are you kidding me?
Dad's awesome. He never gets mad. He says yes to everything. And he got us a puppy.
He's so much fun to be with.” I have so much fun when we are together.
Jose: I come from a family of physicians and dentists, so I grew up seeing how wonderful a profession it is. So I knew at a pretty early age that I wanted to do that. I had the opportunity to partner with a wonderful doctor, and we did well initially, and then we had the recession in '08, and we struggled massively. Then we had a breakdown.
And then once we had the breakdown in our practice, I lost a lot of my team members. You came to me and you said, “I think you need help.” I said, “Yes.” “Do you want me to help you?”
I said, “Yes.”
Tanya: I had been in speech pathology for nineteen years. I didn't know anything about ortho. And I just remember going in there. I had no one to train me. Every time the phone rang, I would say, “Oh god. Please just let it be someone who wants to know the address, because that's all I know.”
Jose: And ever since then, Tanya has taken charge of the HR department, and she's probably the best person when it comes to hiring the right fit. If you get the right people with the right strategy with the right tools, the potential is limitless. And for us, I believe that was the turning point really for me to feel the beginning of financial security someday.
First time I heard about Freedom Founders, I was talking to Guy Nash after we were playing tennis. It was literally like a five minute conversation, and then I just forgot about it. And then a year or two later, talking to Naren Chelian about his investments and he told me about Freedom Founders. And then from there, I just kinda dug into it and it just completely resonated.
Tanya: He felt like he had finally found what he was looking for.
Jose: I love the community and I already had a lot of friends in the community and seeing them be successful only motivated me to do the same. Joining Freedom Founders made me ask myself the question of “What is freedom?” and I think it's gonna give me the opportunity to spend more quality time. My son's playing in the high school team, and they just asked me to become an assistant coach. I never would have been able to do that had I not known where I stood. And now it's like, that's way more important than any production numbers that I need to achieve. I love learning, I love teaching, and those are the things that more than likely will be my next.
We still got a little ways to go since-
Tanya: I convinced him to join the Peace Corps with me.
Jose: When I first met Tanya, Tanya didn't wanna date anybody because she was-
Tanya: I was in the application process.
I just graduated from my master's to be a speech pathologist, but I met him. And then, unfortunately, my father became very, very ill. And at that point, I stopped the process. I couldn't leave my family, and that's when our relationship grew.
But I said, you know what? I still wanna make sure I get to do that. So once the kids are off in college and they're living their independent lives, I'm going into the Peace Corps, and he said he would. So it's on tape now.
Jose: It's on tape. There's so many things that we can do when we retire. For me, developing some kind of structure for our kids to learn how to be self sufficient and invest. If you amass a big number and you inherit it to your kids, what good does that do if they don't know how to sustain it and grow it?
Tanya: Parents don't speak to their children about financing, how to manage their money. We didn't grow up with that. I'm really excited to see what our children will do with that information and that knowledge early on and how they'll manage it and grow it and what they'll do with their kids.
Jose: Being Free For Life gives us more flexibility and more security to to decide when we make some big decisions.
Tanya: Having the freedom of choice. Really comes down to that.


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  • “It’s a collaboration of the best, brightest minds in the country.”
  • “There is a real sense of family here.”
  • “A mind-blowing experience.”
  • “It’s like drinking from the firehose.”

Our events include:

  • Uncommon (sometimes radical) investment training.
  • Step-by-step coaching to create your own personalized investment blueprint.
  • An attainable plan to achieve freedom.
  • An opportunity to connect with advisors who can provide actionable answers.
  • Community with like-minded human beings
  • Great food. Good laughs. And fun.

In addition to tons of training and education on investment strategy, practice management, and real estate

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Most Dentists Don’t Have a "Plan B"... Do You?

The Cruelest Fate is to Possess Wealth Without Freedom.

It’s a fate that can be costly…

As my friend Dr. Mike Abernathy says:  “Being a solo practitioner dentist past age 50 is a 99% fatal condition.”  

  • The industry is changing (corporate dentistry, managed insurance, etc)
  • Your retirement “runway” is shortening
  • Your health is in the balance (decades of leaning over the chair takes its toll)

If you’re a solo practitioner still active in your practice nearing (or past) the age of 50, with little clarity about your plan for retirement… The time to act is NOW.  

The good news is, it’s not too late.

When you visit our Mastermind, you meet dentists who got on track (in the second half of their careers) and found Freedom… in less than 3-5 years.

You can too.

Once you join, financial Freedom is often only 3-5 years away (or less).

Take Your First Step Toward Freedom. You’re Closer Than You Think.