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Press Featuring Dr. David Phelps

October 9, 2024

As Americans continue to be ravaged by runaway inflation tearing through our economy like a wildfire. At the same time, we’re simultaneously being slapped in the face by government officials and journalists disingenuously telling us the economy is great and we’re just imagining the inflation we see when we go to the store. Phelps says, “the people who are really in tune with the economy start to see the writing on the wall long before anyone else does."

September 28, 2024

Real estate is a classic investment vehicle that can provide you with passive income while also appreciating in value. Dr. David Phelps, real estate expert and CEO of Freedom Founders, believed that real estate is “hands down” the best asset class. “Real estate as a tangible asset is what we would call or term ‘an inefficient market’ versus the financial world, which is known as an ‘efficient market,'” Phelps said.

September 27, 2024

The Junto Program, an organization that partners with thought leaders on financial, entrepreneurial, and self improvement topics to provide education that helps Americans build more productive and financially rewarding lives for themselves. These thought leaders have been selected for their reputation and contributions to their respective fields. Financial experts— Carol Roth, Dr. David Phelps, and Kim Kiyosaki were three of the first to join the program.

July 14, 2024

With the sheer quantity of small towns across the country, it can be difficult to know where to look. One approach is to talk to real estate experts who may have local insights or at least general knowledge that can potentially foreshadow price movements in certain areas. “Some of the hot markets are too hot, and so you can’t get the return you want, even though you’ve seen values go up, unless you caught that streaming star early and rode with it," said Phelps.

July 6, 2024

While things have certainly gotten better for veterans returning to civilian life today compared to previous generations, there’s still a long way to go. The fact of the matter is that it’s hard to get people excited about serving when it means not only missing out on tremendous earning potential during their time in service, but also afterwards because most people aren’t well equipped for their transition back to civilian life. This is an even bigger problem in today’s economy, with soaring inflation making it harder for most Americans to make ends meet. For many, it’s a simple matter of being able to support their families.

June 17, 2024

Johns Hopkins University is spearheading an initiative to help veterans transition to high-paying jobs in the real estate industry, leveraging their unique skills and experiences. The university’s MS in Real Estate & Infrastructure program aims to equip veterans with the knowledge and expertise needed to thrive in the rapidly evolving real estate market.

June 12, 2024

Johns Hopkins University wants to change that and is doing its part by launching an initiative to help more veterans land high-paying careers in the real estate industry. The university aims to do this with a multi pronged approach—or battle plan, if you will, that consists of a masters level real estate program, as well as a series of free events where attendees will have an opportunity to learn from and network with real estate professionals, meet recruiters and employers, and get access to specialized resources.

May 30, 2024

It’s no secret that transitioning from military service to civilian life poses significant challenges.
For most, it’s a culture shock, to say the least, as we move from a world where we know our role, where we fit into the hierarchy, and exactly what’s expected of us, into a world where all of that is far less clear. We also lose the sense of comradery we experienced that simply cannot be replicated in the civilian world because it’s forged in the face and death.

February 14, 2024

Dr. David Phelps underscores the critical importance of financial literacy and highlights a concerning statistic—43% of Americans lack financial literacy, a fact that fosters a false sense of security and often leads to the kind of poor financial decisions with long-lasting consequences we see so many people make today.

February 5, 2024

The Florida Department of education has been working quietly behind the scenes with a group of educators and financial experts, to develop its new financial literacy curriculum, which was recently completed, and the department is now moving forward with the other half of the equation – getting Florida students excited about and engaged with the curriculum so they can learn and benefit from.

August 11, 2023

Real estate is a classic investment vehicle that can provide you with passive income while also appreciating in value. Dr. David Phelps, real estate expert and CEO of Freedom Founders, believes that real estate is “hands down” the best asset class.

“Real estate as a tangible asset is what we would call or term ‘an inefficient market’ vs. the financial world, which is known as an ‘efficient market,'” Phelps said. “This is a major benefit [that allows the] individual investor to take advantage of the inefficiencies in the real estate market to be able to access and invest where the major funds are not able to access.

July 27, 2023

Dr. David Phelps, a noted financial expert and one of the people on the 13-member working group, who helped the Department of Education develop the new financial literacy curriculum, says this facet of the program is essential to its success.

June 1, 2023

This is the third installment of a three part series on financial literacy and the basic understanding of inflation, and economy in general. We explore more deeply exactly why Dr. David Phelps predicts higher inflation in the future and ways consumers can protect themselves. Armed with this knowledge, you can watch veterans in the economic market yourself, and make informed decisions, protecting your financial security.

May 3, 2023

A squatter is someone who doesn't own or rent a particular property, but chooses to live there anyway. People often think this is limited to someone who is broke and doesn't have a job. You might think of a homeless person you see on the street, but that's not always the case. Sometimes - and this is happening a lot more these days - it could be someone who used to live at the property and refuses to leave, or it could even be someone who simply breaks in and takes over the property.

April 13, 2023

The economy is currently facing a multitude of challenges, including growing inflation, bank collapses, tightening credit, dwindling consumer, confidence, and supply chain disruptions, to name just a few. As individuals and businesses alike grapple with these issues, it is essential to understand the impact of these challenges and adapt accordingly.

March 21, 2023

These powerhouse, real estate experts, share their knowledge freely on Twitter, talking on real estate, topics, as well as marketing, operations, and other business topics, which you can learn from and implement in your own business.

March 7, 2023

Dr. Phelps was chosen to be one of the on the 13-member working group developing the state of Florida's new financial literacy curriculum. He was chosen in large part due to his financial expertise, but also because of his commitment to financial education, which has been a personal mission of his for quite some time.

March 7, 2023

Daily Flash Show: Teaching Financial Literacy 

Dr. David Phelps joins the working group for the financial literacy curriculum for K-12 students in the state of Florida, under the leadership of Governor Ron DeSantis.

March 10, 2023

A shocking 43% of Americans are not financially literate, but think they are, according to research by the Milken Institute. Rising debt and delinquency rates further prove this point. But this problem has broader implications, according to Phelps. 

While this may seem to be an individual problem, the truth is that it actually causes significant problems all the way up to the national level because the effect of poor financial decisions ripple out far beyond the person who first made them.

September 19, 2022

Stubborn inflation continues to bring pain as it chips away at consumers' buying power, but the impact could be more far-reaching as the high cost of living upends Americans plans for the golden years. 

Dr. David Phelps, argues in his latest book, "Inflation, The Silent Retirement Killer," That decades of unchecked government spending coupled with the actions of the Federal Reserve made today's inflation inevitable, and warns that investors must adjust and prepare for the long haul.

August 15, 2022

Even before the lockdowns were eased, white-collar professionals were ditching their apartments in places like Seattle and New York City for homes in markets like Austin, Boise, and Las Vegas. That rush of homebuyer activity, of course saw home prices absolutely skyrocket in those markets.

July 1, 2022

Real Grit Podcast: Success Through Serving Others

Success is not a one-time event; it will take you a long time to realize the appropriate way for it. Dr. David Phelps joins the Real Grit podcast  to share his remarkable real estate experience and his determination to see it through. Listen in to learn about heartwarming accomplishments that may help you find yours!

June 28, 2022

There is no denying that the brutal and pervasive economic conditions are wreaking havoc on the U.S. small business community. The Consumer Price Index report released on June 10, 2022, shows inflation spiked by 8.6% in May, the largest 12-month increase since December 1981. 

June 9, 2022

As we all gradually get over the massive economic and societal hurdles the Covid-19 pandemic brought about, the U.S. economy is sliding into more drama: inflation and recessions.

Dr. David Phelps, author of Inflation: The Silent Retirement Killer explains, "We've had 40 years, from 1980 to 2020, where we've had disinflation and low interest rates, but then we turn a corner to face completely new rules."

May 31, 2022

He sold his dental practice and poured the proceeds into real estate. It didn’t take him long to replace his income, but now he was generating it passively. This gave him the freedom of time without taking away the income he needed to support his family. During this process, Phelps realized something that shocked him — most of the financial industry was giving people bad advice...

May 31, 2022

He sold his dental practice and poured the proceeds into real estate. It didn’t take him long to replace his income, but now he was generating it passively. This gave him the freedom of time without taking away the income he needed to support his family. During this process, Phelps realized something that shocked him — most of the financial industry was giving people bad advice...

May 4, 2022

As a nationally recognized keynote speaker, David brings dynamite energy and rare insights into how to create financial freedom through passive income, how to build a real business that doesn’t take over your life, anti-traditional real estate investing, private lending, wealth-building legacy, and how to take responsibility and “own” your life.

April 12, 2022

He sold his dental practice and poured the proceeds into real estate. It didn’t take him long to replace his income, but now he was generating it passively. This gave him the freedom of time without taking away the income he needed to support his family. During this process, Phelps realized something that shocked him — most of the financial industry was giving people bad advice...

March 28, 2022

Is the rising energy price a wake-up call? Will we see long-term consumer behavior changes towards a more energy-efficient lifestyle?

We're already seeing changes today. In my home state of Texas, 7,352 megawatts of new wind, solar, and energy installation projects were completed last year, significantly outpacing California, which installed just 2,697 megawatts of similar projects. Demand for electric vehicles is surging as well.

February 22, 2022

Paying off your mortgage early may give you peace of mind, but it should never be prioritized over building up an emergency fund.

"Once you pay off debt or pay down debt, you now have more equity but less available cash when needed," said Dr. David Phelps, real estate investor and founder and CEO of Freedom Founders. "There is safety in cash and cash flow. Equity also provides a level of safety, but cash flow is the oxygen that maintains your business or personal revenue needs. Equity by itself cannot do that."

Feb 19, 2022

David Phelps, Author of “Own Your Freedom” and founder of Freedom Founders, talks about finding financial freedom with real estate investing.

November 17, 2021

In August 2020, we were right in the middle of the pandemic. I realized that the people I serve, my Freedom Founders members mainly, but indeed the whole nation—were vulnerable to the extent that we're entirely dependent upon our income. And, most people have never considered that a time could come that would prevent them from earning an income. For many, this was a wake-up call. 

November 10, 2021

"We've had 40 years, from 1980 to 2020, where we've had disinflation and low interest rates, but then we turn the corner to face completely new rules. We have rapidly growing inflation now, and as a result higher interest rates. This means we have to learn how to do things differently."

Phelps says the solution to the last economic crisis, stimulus via low interest rates, is at least partially the cause of our current problems.

November 10, 2021

Dr. David phelps has a two-fold mission in writing his latest book, Own Your Freedom: Sustainable Wealth for a Volatile World. His primary intent in writing this book was to help others achieve financial freedom. It contains first-hand knowledge that David acquired while walking his own path to freedom. He knows we are all capable of great things. He wants to help people discover the joy of living debt-free for themselves.

November 1, 2021

As Dr. David Phelps recently released 'Own Your Freedom' provides financial education to empower Americans to take control of their financial situation.

"I know that most people don't have the education they need to achieve true financial freedom," Phelps said. "I also know firsthand, how impactful financial freedom can be."

October 28, 2021

For many entrepreneurs, bringing a business to fruition is no small financial feat. Dr. David Phelps stresses the importance of assets when approaching banks for huge loans. For example a 1 million dollar loan may be achievable when you have 15 million is assets. If you don't have that, Phelps says, "the debt to income ratio better be solid enough for the lender to say, okay, the risk is good."

October 27, 2021

As a part of my series about the ‘Five Things You Need To Know To Succeed In The Real Estate Industry’, I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. David Phelps.

Dr. Phelps created Freedom Founders to help its members build the financial foundation necessary to achieve the freedom they wanted in their lives via real estate investing. In fact, he’s co-authored several books focused on helping others establish their financial independence. The most recent, Own Your Freedom, is a wake-up call for entrepreneurs and small business owners who endeavor to persevere no matter what hardships come their way.

October 27, 2021

Dr. David Phelps believes the average American not only deserves financial freedom, but that they have a duty to their family, community, and country to achieve it.

And he’s built his entire life around this concept.

This dentist turned real estate investor is on a mission to help as many people as he can to achieve their own financial freedom with his latest book, Own Your Freedom.

Oct 21, 2021

Ticker News: Financial Freedom

Dr. David Phelps talks "principles to achieve long-term economic benefits," with Australia's, Ticker News

October 20, 2021

We’re often blindsided just when everything seems perfect. Dr. David Phelps learned that lesson the hard way when his daughter suddenly faced a life-threatening health crisis. But instead of letting that derail him, he turned it into an opportunity for himself and for thousands of others. On the surface, he had a perfect life. Time […]

October 12, 2021

While he possessed an entrepreneurial spirit as a kid, David Phelps followed his father’s example into medicine as a dentist. But when his daughter developed serious health issues, it made him realize he wanted more time to spend with her than his dental practice would allow... 

October 8, 2021

Fox 13’s Sorboni Banerjee interviewed Dr. David Phelps about the expiration of foreclosure moratorium and the potential impact on the housing market. 

August 30, 2021

Between lockdowns, economic uncertainty, cancel culture, and business-crushing legislation, we've all seen highly qualified employees lost a job, So rather than playing a game of financial Russian Roulette, more people are embracing the side hustle lifestyle.

Dr. David Phelps, author of the book, Own Your Freedom says people are starting to rethink how they structure their lives. They want flexibility and control in how and when they work, but more importantly, they want to be free of the whims of others.

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