Protect. Preserve. And Profit.

How Dentists Can Create Freedom Amidst Economic Turmoil in 2024

Thursday, December 28th at 7 pm CT

Dr David Phelps has been featured in

What We'll Cover on the Webclass

No one has a crystal ball. You need a financial plan that doesn’t depend on being “right” or timing the markets just right.

Discover a Plan B for how you can build an investment portfolio outside of Wall Street. Learn how you can create more control of your investments. Discover how you can become a passive investor in real estate - WITHOUT being a landlord or house flipper.

Protect from market corrections. 
Shelter your nest egg from the risk of a major market correction.

Preserve wealth against inflation.
Invest in assets that hedge against the ravages of inflation.

Profit from the opportunities. 
Prepare to benefit from  the opportunities that market corrections create.

What We'll Cover on the Webclass

Market analysis for the coming year - trends and potentialities
How to recession-proof your investments
What to do with your investments (and what to avoid) in this critical phase of the market cycle
How to build an investment portfolio outside Wall Street
Active or Passive? Where is your best time value?
The Capital Stack - Debt vs Equity investments
Evaluating the current market cycle and avoiding bad investment strategies

Thursday, December 28th at 7 pm CT

About your host

Meet Dr David Phelps


David owned and managed a private practice dental office for over twenty-one years before his daughter’s health crisis served as a dramatic wakeup call in his life. David’s “Plan B” (a portfolio of cash-flow producing real estate assets) gave him the Freedom to sell his practice mid-career and focus 100% on what matters most to him. Today, he is the founder and CEO of the Freedom Founders Group. 

© Copyright Freedom Founders.  All Rights Reserved.

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