Freedom Founders Mythbusters

Picture of by Dr David Phelps

by Dr David Phelps


oday, let’s bust some myths about Freedom Founders.

Myth #1: Freedom Founders is a financial advisor.

This is a common misconception about the Freedom Founders community. We are NOT like a typical financial advisor – in fact, we are 100% contrarian. 

Other investment organizations are commission or fee-based, which means your returns will be diluted. Additionally, those fee structures create an unhealthy conflict of interest that may incentivize the organization to sell you on investment deals that are not in your best interest. 

Freedom Founders will never try to “sell” you on anything. Our community is structured with straightforward membership rates, so we can be truly unbiased with the feedback and coaching we give our members.

Myth #2: Freedom Founders helps people do hands-on, ‘DIY’ investing in real estate.

If you’re young and have the time to become a career real estate operator, good for you! Ultimately though, that is not who the Freedom Founders community is made for. 

Freedom Founders’ goal is to connect high-income practice professionals with passive, highly vetted real estate investment opportunities – whether that’s funds, syndications, managed turnkeys, or hard-money lending. That means no tenants to deal with, no toilets to unclog, and no 2am phone calls. 

These opportunities provide our members with regular passive income that they can use to cover their lifestyle expenses today, instead of waiting to deplete their 401(k) nest egg at some distant “retirement” date. Predictable, sustainable cash flow is the key to creating real Freedom – which means having the ability to do what you want, when you want, where you want, and with whom you want. 

Myth #3: Freedom Founders is a REIT.

Many Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are just Wall Street’s attempt to create “big box” real estate investing for the masses. They're Wall Street by a different name. The real opportunities in real estate cannot be found in one-size-fits-all funds. They are a level deeper – and that’s where we work.

Real Estate is an inefficient marketplace, so there are opportunities and niches that, try as they might, Wall Street can’t mass access and package into REITs. That is where our Trusted Advisors (boots-on-the-ground experts in specialized niches) operate. If you have the right access, opportunities abound.

It’s all about access and relationships. You would never be able to speed dial or sit down for coffee with the managers of a REIT (or any other Wall Street investment) to get your questions answered and get the real scoop. At Freedom Founders, you have that level of access. 

Investing in our community is entirely relationship-based. Our members benefit from access to a diverse network of real estate professionals who offer investment opportunities across the country in various niches, such as single-family, multi-family, turnkey rentals, and self storage, to name a few. These Trusted Advisors are available to educate our members on the marketplace and their opportunities – but ultimately it is up to each member to decide which opportunities suit their wealth building needs.

Myth #4: Freedom Founders is only for dentists.

I was a dentist for 21 years before I left my practice to spend time with my sick daughter. I was able to leave dentistry because my real estate investments produced enough passive income to completely cover my lifestyle expenses, which gave me the freedom to spend my time how I wished. Freedom Founders began when my peers in dentistry wanted to learn how I had done it. While a majority of our members have been dentists, the Freedom Founders mastermind community is simply a close-knit group of like-minded professionals who are focused on creating real Freedom in their lives by taking responsibility for their financial future.

Dentist or not, you can learn more about Freedom Founders and if you would be a good fit by visiting the “How Freedom Founders Works” page. We are for professionals who are tired of the volatility of Wall Street, and are open to learning how to become their own financial advocate. 

To further explore if there is a good fit, you can schedule a Discovery Call with one of my team members.

Myth #5: I need to sell my practice before I can join Freedom Founders.

A misconception that we often hear from potential members is that joining Freedom Founders will disrupt their ability to sell their practice, whether to a DSO or other entity. While it is fine to wait for your practice sale to complete, many members who have transitioned admit that they wish that they had been a part of Freedom Founders before they sold. They feel this way for a few reasons:

First, our new members quickly learn not only new investing skills, but also new ideas about how to plan for the next phase of their life after leaving their practice. These ideas may help clarify their expectations and intentions for selling.

Second, they gain access to a wealth of expertise on how to successfully navigate their transition – both from members who have already gone down that path, and experts in the practice space

Third, Freedom Founders is set up to enable our members to quickly deploy capital into real estate investments. By being a part of the community before you complete your practice sale, you will be in a better position to invest the big chunk of capital that you will receive from selling your business.

Myth #6: Freedom Founders does not have high yield investment opportunities.

It is the trend today that investment communities are offering higher and higher yields. Investors have been caught up in the irrational exuberance of a market that has been flooded by ‘hot money’ from Federal Reserve intervention and government money printing. Because of these conditions, now is the most dangerous time to invest.

While many of the opportunities available through the Freedom Founders community offer a generous ROI (on average between 10-14%, in some cases into the upper teens and beyond), pursuing high risk, high growth strategies is not what this community is about. In fact, we caution our investors against ‘chasing yield.’ Higher yield often means greater risk when the next downturn strikes.

Investors in Freedom Founders prioritize capital preservation – securing their capital by investing in tangible real estate assets that limit their downside risk – and they strategically select yields that align with their wealth building goals. The goal of Freedom Founders is for our members to build wealth that can sustain them and their families for whatever may come in the decades ahead.

Myth #7: Freedom Founders will take my “Assets Under Management”.

Freedom Founders is not what’s known as an “Assets Under Management” organization (AUM) or a multi-family office. AUM groups and family offices provide investment, tax, and legal advice under one roof; convenience is one of the main benefits. The cost of that convenience, however, is that your money and assets are being “managed” under a philosophy which may or may not be ideal for you.

Additionally, AUM fees are based on your total asset investment account – which includes all of your assets and equity, such as business equity, insurance, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, etc. They’ll help you manage it all, but you pay a percentage fee based on the total valuation of your accounts.

On the other hand, Freedom Founders does not assess a fee for the capital you invest through relationships made in the community. We are here to guide, not to manage

Our community believes no one should delegate responsibility for their financial future to others, unless it is done so with awareness and intentionality – not just for the sake of “convenience.” 

You are your best financial advocate, because no one cares as much about your financial future as you do.

To explore if there is a good mutual fit with Freedom Founders, I invite you to schedule a Discovery Call with one of my team members.

To your Freedom!

P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are some other ways I can help fast track you to your Freedom goal (you’re closer than you think) :

1. Schedule a Call with My Team:

If you’d like to replace your active practice income with passive investment income within 2-3 years, and you have at least $1M in available capital (can include residential/practice equity or practice sale), then schedule a call with my team. If it looks like there is a mutual fit, you’ll have the opportunity to attend one of our upcoming member events as a guest.

2. Get Your Free Retirement Scorecard:

Benchmark your retirement and wealth-building against hundreds of other practice professionals, and get personalized feedback on your biggest opportunities and leverage points. Go to to take the 3 minute assessment and get your scorecard.

3. Ready to Step Away?

“How Much is Enough?” This simple question keeps hard-working professionals at the hamster wheel of active income far longer than they need to be. Watch this free training, and discover a proven model for determining how much you really need before hanging up the handpiece!

4. Apply To Visit The Mastermind:

If you’d like to join dozens of dentists, docs, and practice professionals on the fast track to Freedom (3-5 years or less), visit to apply for a guest seat.

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