Should you Participate in the CARES Stimulus Package?


Picture of by Dr David Phelps

by Dr David Phelps


fter some investigation, I’ve decided not to participate in the coronavirus CARES Act.

 That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t apply for these loans, and it’s not a case of moral high ground. I just want to give you something to think about for the future.

If you’re a dentist or any type of small business owner with high overhead, you have to do things now to stop the bleeding. I totally get that. This is not something that you created, or anybody else created. This is a pandemic with a government mandated shutdown.

For many of you, it was a brick wall to the face – operating a business with overhead and responsibilities to your patients and family, and then having the world turn upside down overnight.

However, when it comes to government money, there are always strings attached. Proceed with your eyes wide open.

I'm not telling you to not get the loans. I'm not exactly in your position, although at 63 years old, I do have some gray hairs and experience. 

At Freedom Founders, we’ve been predicting another reset or recession for the last two / two-and-a-half years. I’ve positioned myself to make it through times like this over many years – it didn’t happen overnight.

And it’s not because I’m so smart. I built a Plan B back when I was in my first year of dental school – even then, I knew depending on trading time for dollars wouldn’t give me total security in life.

So I did both. I worked hard, revved up my practice, took CE and started building a mini-empire of single-family rentals. I also learned to be the bank. In 15 years I paid off a lot of the loans on my single-family rentals and had enough passive cash flow to replace my active income.

I used my Plan B when I decided to leave my practice due to my daughter having leukemia, epileptic seizures, and needing a liver transplant by age twelve. I wasn’t going to continue being shackled to a professional practice that didn’t give me the freedom to spend my time where I wanted. So I pulled the ripcord, took my Plan B, and left.

If I’d gone by the traditional model of financial planning accumulation I couldn’t have left. That model has failed so many.

To have the freedom you desire, you can’t follow the majority. You’ve got to decide to take the contrary path even though everyone else tells you the path is over here. Don’t follow other people’s agendas or let them force theirs on you. Have your own plan and stick to it.

Don’t go solo and try to do it all yourself. You’re smart, hardworking, and will persevere, but that only gets linear results. You’ve got to be with a tribe, a mastermind, a community, a peer group that will give you sustenance, brainpower, and the creative ideation you need to go against the grain.

Plan B is necessary, even more now than ever. Don’t get sucked into following the majority.

1. Ready to Step Away?

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