Are You Dependent?

Are You Dependent

On September 20, 2017, Puerto Rico was devastated by hurricane Maria.

50% of the citizens have power, and 50% still do not.



You might wonder, why isn’t the US government doing anything about this?

It’s not the citizens' fault.

It’s due to socialism, centralized government, and a lack of structure.

The U.S. government set up a triple tax incentive for the government of Puerto Rico to borrow money that was below market.

In the U.S., if you invested in the bonds of the sovereign debt of Puerto Rico, you got a state, local, and federal tax exemption.

There was no tax to be paid.

This incentivized people to invest in bonds of Puerto Rico.

But, it interfered in a normal marketplace.

Without the bonds, the territory of Puerto Rico would not have been able to borrow as much money as they were able to.

For the last several decades, Puerto Rico has been in a major debt crisis.

The government of Puerto Rico borrows too much money, too fast, because there are no limitations.

There is no infrastructure or capital markets in Puerto Rico, and that’s the problem.

This problem with Puerto Rico applies to your business, especially in regards to private practice owners.

You have to ask yourself, what have you succumbed to in your practice that has taken away your ability to control your future?

How about insurance

Most private-practice dentists bought into the fact that if people had insurance, it would drive the practice.

But the issue with that is… it is artificial.

Unfortunately, insurance is now controlling the private marketplace.

Many dentists feel the pressure to sign up and become controlled by insurance companies.

If you are dealing with PPO insurance companies, you are de facto working for the insurance companies, and taking all the liability.

Insurance companies become your marketing arm, and this will not drive your practice, or your future.

When you deal with insurance companies, you are doing exactly what Puerto Rico has been doing for decades.

I’m future pacing you.

You may be surviving right now, but it’s a short window.

It’s not going to get easier.

Insurance companies are not going to let off.

What are you going to do?

Most people are not going to do anything.

You have to be willing to make a change.You need to change the way you think.

Changing the way you think is the key to making a difference in your life, and in your business.

You can’t just progress linearly – you have to take quantum leaps.

The only way I know to do that is to be a part of groups that think differently.

And sorry, but that doesn’t include the average dental conference.

You have to go outside the box.

That’s what I have done, and that’s why I have the freedom to travel the world and impact more people in a definitive way.

Because I think differently about what I do.

I’m always thinking how I can 10x everything – not just how I can grow bigger, but how I can 10x my freedom.

If you want more of that, I’d suggest just follow me (David Phelps), and follow Freedom Founders.

I will gladly help you transform your life.

But, it starts with the way you think.

You have to be different.


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