Embracing Change – Reflections on the Past Year

Reflecting on the past year, and my life experience, one of the biggest key words I’ve encountered is change.

The majority of humans don’t like change.

We naturally prefer the status quo, so we can anticipate what’s coming and how to react to it.

However, change is unavoidable, and right now, it’s coming at us faster than ever before.

From technology, to automation, to artificial intelligence – change is happening at lightspeed!

The only way to keep up is to learn how to embrace change, to become comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Let me share a personal example: Years ago, when I discovered that my passion was to help people, I knew I needed to learn how to communicate better.

I had never done any type of public speaking before, so I got a coach to help me.

My coach found that I tended to be very analytical and speak from my head rather than my heart.

Too much analysis doesn’t really connect with or inspire people.

What was his solution?

He told me to step way out of my comfort zone and join an “Impromptu Improvisation” class – a comedy club group class, essentially.

Having never done any sort of acting or theater, learning how to act on the fly was a huge displacement for me.

However, I learned to embrace that discomfort because I knew it would help me learn how to adapt more quickly.

The people who are hurting the most right now are those who won’t adapt.

They’re living life as though it were still 10, 20, 30 – or even 2 years ago!

You can’t deny change.

You can’t run from it; you have to embrace it and be willing to adapt to it.

This is not easy to do!

But the key is learning how to seek and find the opportunity in every change.

How do you do that?

Change your environment. Not where you live – change the people you surround yourself with.

Surround yourself with like-minded people who actively embrace change.

You want people around you who don’t whine about change, but instead take an attitude of “It is what it is – let’s be proactive and see what opportunity this change has in store for us.”

I like to look at life as a game.

I like to live it with others who are fun to live with – the people who look at challenges and struggles as opportunities, not setbacks.

You can’t do life solo.

You need that synergy and collaboration with others to multiply your efforts.

Another reason to get out to local meetup groups or masterminds!

I love mastermind groups and spend a lot of time in them because they challenge me.

Masterminds help me to be a deeper thinker, think outside the box, get out of my comfort zone, and really play the game.

I also run my own mastermind group, Freedom Founders.

It’s a great place for professional practice and small business owners who want to thrive, by constantly adapting to industry changes as well as creating sustainable lifelong passive income outside of their practice.

My challenge to you is to embrace change this year, and surround yourself with people who will do the same.

When you embrace change…you may just find that you’re looking forward to the future rather than dreading it.

To your freedom!

– David

P.S. I’m hosting a two-day workshop for younger dentists looking to lay the groundwork for freedom. Want to join me? www.freedomfounders.com/workshop

P.P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are some other ways I can help fast track you to your Freedom goal (you’re closer than you think) :

1. Grab the first 3 chapters of my latest book:

“From High Income To High Net Worth – For Dentists.” The Ultimate guide for anyone who desires to build sustainable lifetime passive cash flow and net worth through real estate investment without ever meeting a tenant or fixing a toilet. Visit www.freedomfounders.com/free-book-chapters and start reading.

2. Become an Insider:

If you’re committed to Freedom, but still building a practice, paying down school debt,  or growing investment capital, Freedom Insider is your entrance ramp onto the fast track! Visit www.freedomfounders.com/insider and click the big orange “Become An Insider” button!

3. Apply To Visit The Mastermind:

If you’d like to join dozens of dentists, docs, and practice professionals on the fast track to Freedom (5-7 years max), visit www.freedomfounders.com/step-1 to apply for a seat.

4. Want to Move to the Front of the Line? Fast Access Insider Group:

If you’d like to work directly with me and a small group of my closest investment colleagues, with direct access to the dealmakers and asset classes that I invest in, just send a message to my Executive Assistant (Lindsey@FreedomFounders.com), and put “Fast Access” in the subject line. Or, call 888-548-5855 and leave a brief voicemail for Lindsey. Let her know you’re interested in the Fast Access Insider Group – we’ll set up a time to talk, find out about your goals, and see if there is a fit.

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